The Evolution of Uniswap: A User’s Perspective

Chinmay Joshi
5 min readJul 2, 2023


Taking a deep dive into the dazzling DeFi realm, my journey has been electrified by the astonishing rise and reinvention of Uniswap.

Rising like a phoenix, Uniswap has asserted itself as a DeFi dynamo, shaking up our engagement with blockchain tech and finance in a way we’ve never seen before.

Hop on as we break down the Uniswap evolution in a breezy style in this blog post.

Introduction to Uniswap

Uniswap is a protocol on Ethereum for swapping ERC20 tokens. It was first launched in 2018 by Hayden Adams, a gifted developer inspired by Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin.

The central idea behind Uniswap was to facilitate automated transactions between cryptocurrency pairs by leveraging smart contracts, a key feature of the Ethereum blockchain.

But what sets Uniswap apart from traditional exchange platforms?

In traditional financial exchanges, a central intermediary or broker facilitates trades. With Uniswap, there is no need for an intermediary.

Instead, it uses a simple formula to automatically determine the price of a trade based on the supply and demand of each token. This feature, coupled with its permissionless and non-custodial nature, has made Uniswap a cornerstone of the DeFi movement.

The Early Days: Uniswap v1

Uniswap v1, the protocol’s initial version, was a proof of concept demonstrating how decentralized exchanges could work. It introduced the concept of liquidity pools, where users could supply equal amounts of two tokens to create a new market.

In return, these liquidity providers would earn fees from the trades happening in their pool. This novel approach to market-making was a significant departure from the order-book model followed by traditional exchanges.

Despite its simplicity, Uniswap v1 had its limitations. For instance, it only allowed trading between ETH and ERC20 tokens, which meant every trade had to go through ETH, leading to higher gas costs.

The Upgrade: Uniswap v2

In May 2020, Uniswap launched its second iteration, v2, with notable improvements. One of the most significant updates was the introduction of direct ERC20/ERC20 pairs, reducing the need for trades to route through ETH and saving users on gas costs.

Uniswap v2 also introduced price oracles, which are on-chain sources of price data. These oracles were designed to be resistant to price manipulation and offered reliable and accurate price feeds for the DeFi ecosystem.

A Game-Changer: Uniswap v3

Uniswap v3, launched in May 2021, was another significant leap forward. It introduced concentrated liquidity, a feature that allowed liquidity providers to set custom price ranges for their liquidity. This meant that instead of providing liquidity across the entire price spectrum, liquidity providers could concentrate their liquidity at specific price ranges, thereby earning more fees for the same amount of capital.

Uniswap v3 also introduced a feature known as ‘range orders,’ which allowed users to place trades that would only execute if the token’s price hit a specific range. This feature made Uniswap v3 more capital efficient and flexible than its predecessors.

The Latest Development: Uniswap v4

As of 2023, Uniswap has been preparing to launch its fourth iteration, Uniswap v4. The ethos behind v4 is about decentralization, flexibility, and community involvement. Unlike previous versions, which were almost fully developed before public announcements, Uniswap v4 was opened for public review and contribution much earlier. This shift towards building in public is part of Uniswap’s commitment to embodying the spirit of decentralization.

One of the significant changes in Uniswap v4 is the introduction of “hooks,” a feature that provides more flexibility and customization for liquidity pools. Hooks are essentially ways of customizing and modifying how liquidity pools work within Uniswap. Users can create a pool and then choose how to customize it, offering a more tailored experience based on their specific needs.

The ethos of Uniswap v4 is about putting more power in the hands of users. The “hooks” feature is a prime example of this, allowing users to make trade-offs and choose how their pool works. This move towards customization and flexibility aligns with Uniswap’s broader vision of becoming a platform that’s more expressive and adaptable to user needs.

Uniswap’s Approach to Decentralization

From its inception, Uniswap has been a champion of decentralization. The protocol itself, in all its versions, runs on Ethereum as an immutable smart contract that cannot be upgraded or controlled by any single entity. This commitment to decentralization extends to its governance model as well, where the power to make decisions about the protocol’s future is distributed among UNI token holders.

However, as the protocol has grown and attracted more participants, questions around the distribution of power have surfaced. In particular, concerns have been raised about venture capital firms and other large entities controlling substantial amounts of UNI tokens. Despite these concerns, the Uniswap team maintains that the protocol remains decentralized at its core, with no entity having the power to control or manipulate the protocol.

Uniswap and Regulation

As Uniswap has grown, so too has the attention it’s received from regulators. Given its decentralized and open nature, Uniswap operates in a somewhat gray area from a regulatory perspective. Centralized exchanges like Binance and Coinbase have faced scrutiny and lawsuits from regulatory bodies like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, decentralized platforms like Uniswap, which operate quite differently, have so far largely avoided such scrutiny.

Despite this, Uniswap Labs, the team behind the protocol, does take regulation into account in its decision-making. They maintain legal counsel and ensure that everything they do is legal. That said, they believe in the fundamental benefits of DeFi and the better outcomes it offers for users.

Wrapping Up: The User Experience

From a user’s perspective, Uniswap has continually evolved to provide better and more efficient services. Each new version has brought improvements that directly benefit users, from reduced gas costs in v2 to more capital efficiency and flexibility in v3, and now increased customization and user control in v4.

As a user, the power of Uniswap lies in its simplicity and its ability to put control back into the hands of the individual. It’s about being able to trade any two tokens at any time, providing liquidity and earning fees, and being part of a community that has a say in the protocol’s future.

Uniswap’s journey so far is a testament to the power of innovation, community, and the principles of decentralization. As we look forward to the future, it’s exciting to think about what lies ahead for Uniswap and the broader DeFi space. One thing is clear: Uniswap is here to stay, and its impact on the world of finance is only just beginning.

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Chinmay Joshi

Passionate in web3 and blockchain with 3+ years experience, I write to demystify its complexities.